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Mon - Fri : 8AM - 10PM

Recent mi s-a adresat intrebarea: ce este masajul erotic?

Exista mai multe definitii ale masajului, dar cea mai buna definitie este cea care iti vine prima in minte.

Am stat pe ganduri cateva secunde si apoi am raspuns: ,,relaxare, erotism si placere”.

Bineinteles masajul erotic este mai mult decat atat….

Bamboo therapeutic massage in Timisoara,  also named  ,,Little Vienna”.

Why erotic massage?

Recently I was asked the question what is erotic massage?

There are several definitions of massage, but the best definition is the one that comes to mind first.

I stayed a few minutes and then I’ve answered:” relaxation, eroticism and pleasure”. That came into my mind out of the blue. Of course an bamboo massage is more than that……




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